Much like a homeowner borrows money to purchase a home, school districts borrow money in the form of bonds to invest in new construction and finance improvements to school facilities. Bonds are approved by voters in a bond election, then sold to investors in the competitive investment market to raise money to pay for capital needs. The 2019 MWPISD Bond provides appropriate solutions to tackle many of the District’s most critical needs. With these improvements, the District will be able to continue its tradition of exceptional education into the next decade.
BY the Community, FOR the Community!
The Community Focused Committee, made up of 21 diverse community members representing all areas of the community, worked for five months to study and prioritize the District’s most critical needs. Meetings were open to the community and the process was completely transparent.
This bond is largely their recommendation to the Board of Trustees and the proposal addresses three key things:
- Safety & Security
- Address Aging Facilities
- Modernization of Academic Programs & Classroom Space